While living in off-campus housing by FSU, you are bound to have your fair share of roommates. Keeping your apartment clean as a busy college student can be challenging, and when multiple students share an apartment things can get messy quickly. Here are four strategies for keeping your communal living space organized and tidy.
Set Ground Rules
When you first move into your FSU student housing, it is important to sit down with your roommates and discuss cleanliness expectations. Set ground rules for the common areas like the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Will you take turns doing dishes or will everyone wash their own dishes? Talk about cleaning schedules, how to handle food and groceries, and keeping noise levels to a minimum. It is also important to discuss how to handle any potential disagreements that may arise. This will help create a positive living environment and make your experience living in student housing more enjoyable.
Assign Specific Areas
One method to keep your college apartment by FSU tidy is to assign specific areas. Divide up the communal areas, such as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom, and assign each person a specific area to keep clean. This way, everyone is responsible for their designated space, and there is no confusion about who should be doing what. You can rotate who is assigned to which section every two weeks so nobody feels like they got the worst area to keep clean.
Set Aside Time For Cleaning
Make a habit to set aside time each day or each week to clean your assigned area along with your personal space. You and your roommates are all busy with school, so you don’t need to be cleaning at the same time. As long as everyone creates a routine for when they want to get their cleaning done, your student apartment by FSU will stay nice and tidy.
Use Storage Solutions
Make use of storage solutions such as shelves, bins, and baskets to keep things organized and tidy. Use labels to indicate what belongs where, so everyone knows where to put things away. Create designated places for items like dishes, cleaning supplies, and towels, so everyone will know where to find them. Having designated places in your FSU student housing for your items will help keep the apartment looking neat and clean and make it easier to tidy up when it’s time to clean.
If your student apartment in Tallahassee is getting pretty messy, grab your roommates and discuss these four strategies to keep your shared spaces cleaner. Having a clean space will make everyone feel more at ease in your apartment, and creating a strategy together on how to do it will eliminate stress and pressure from everyone. If you’re not sure how to start this conversation, talk to the community manager at your FSU student living and ask for tips!
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